We humans love Halloween at Tiki Pets™! Some of our pets, on the other hand, don’t share the same enthusiasm. With doorbells, unknown visitors and new smells, who can blame them? Fortunately, there are things you can do to help pets stay safe and feel secure on the spookiest of nights. Here are a few suggestions:

Keep candy and wrappers away from pets. Most pet parents are aware of the dangers of chocolate for their pets, but really all candy should be kept away. Wrappers, lollipop sticks and other trash can also be harmful to curious pets. In addition to avoiding them in your home, be sure to check your outside environment. Trick-or-treaters often drop candy and wrappers, so be watchful on your first November walks.

Pick a comfortable costume. If you choose to dress your cat or small dog in a costume (which you totally should because adorable), make sure it’s light to prevent overheating, and that your pet can easily move and see in it. Alas, your pet’s comfort is more important than their Instagram pics.

Keep anxious pets in a closed room. Does your pet think doorbells are the devil? Does your cat run or your dog bark when someone comes to the door? Frequent, unknown visitors can cause a lot of anxiety for pets. Some may even lash out or run out the door. Keep them safe and calm in a closed, interior room with background noise, like TV or music, playing to muffle outside sounds. Feed them a delicious dinner in the room, perhaps topped with a Tummy Topper, and reward them when they’re let out with treats like Tiki Cat® Stix™ or Crunchers.

Keep black cats inside. We clearly have a soft spot for black cats, but unfortunately Halloween can be hard on them. A staple of Halloween iconography and superstition, black cats can be targeted by pranksters on Halloween. If you’re lucky enough to have a black cat, it’s best to keep them safe inside all day.

Be cautious when trick-or-treating with pets. We know pets are part of the family, but only take them trick-or-treating with you if they’re very well behaved and calm around crowds of kids. Keep them on a short leash or in a pet stroller, and consider a reflective or lighted collar to improve their visibility. Again, watch for candy and wrappers on the ground, and avoid houses with frightening noises and decorations.
Don’t forget their treats!
Bringing tasty treats like Tiki Cat® STIX™ make Halloween festivities extra fun and tasty.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
Have any Halloween tips? Share them with us in the comments below or on Facebook!